Topographical survey, all Latvia

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Jupatovkas 3A, Rēzekne, LV-4601
survey , Land surveyors in Rezekne, In Ludza, In Balvi, In Daugavpils, In Kraslava, In Preili, In Latgale, survey .

ZD Pols, LTD

Rožu 17, Inčukalns, Inčukalna pagasts, Siguldas nov., LV-2141
Services: ✓ Topographical survey ✓ Executive measurements ✓ Engineering geodesy

Meijas mērniecības pakalpojumi, LTD

Agroķīmiķu 5, Jelgava, LV-3003
Description: An experienced surveyor provides surveying services in Zemgale and Jelgava.

Bauskas mērnieks, LTD

Kalna 7, Bauska, Bauskas nov., LV-3901

A certified surveyor performs services such as topographical surveying, development of land development projects, marking of building axes, surveying of cadastral boundaries, division and consolidation of properties, consolidation, consultations. Land survey projects. Geodesic works. Engineering geodesy. Border sign renewal. Mapping and matching of underground utility networks. Horizontal and vertical surveying.

Surveying services in Zemgale, Bauska, Bauska district, Bauska county, Baldone, Iecava, Elea, Jelgava, Latvia.

ZL.LV iesaka

3D GEO, LTD, Topography, geology Riga, Riga region

Biksēres 2, Rīga, LV-1073
About the company:

SIA 3D GEO provides topography, geodesy, surveying and cartography services in Riga and the Riga region, as well as in Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Latgale and Zemgale.

ARIBO, SIA - Surveying services( by appointment! )

"Jaunstēgas", Cenu pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3018

"ARIBO", SIA provides surveying services in Riga and Latvia. Surveyor services. We carry out surveying works: topography, executive measurements of communications, cut-outs of building axes, cut-outs of project points.

Ventmetrs, LTD

Riņķa 52, Ventspils, LV-3601
Description: LTD "Ventmetrs" founded in 2011., combining in the team experienced and professional certified surveyors who started working in the sector at the beginning of the Latvian land reform. Goal: to provide the client with their knowledge and perform the given task in a qualitative manner.

Ametrs, LTD, Rezekne surveying office

Atbrīvošanas aleja 91, Rēzekne LV-4601
surveying, Construction axis setting, Surrounding object surveying, Border line recovery, Land plans, Topographical , survey , Land distribution, cadastral survey , Land surveyors in Balvi, Executive measurements, Local

Ametrs, LTD, Madona Surveying Office

Blaumaņa 3A - 1, Madona, Madonas nov., LV-4801
Land use, geodesy, topography, designing, Surveying, surveyor in Madona, In Rezekne, Land survey projects, Territory planning, planning, Surveyor topography, Land boundary surveying, Construction axis setting, Surrounding object surveying, Border line recovery, Land plans, Topographical survey, Land distribution, cadastral survey, Land
ZL.LV iesaka

Parnas GEO, LTD

Rīgas 81 - 1A, Daugavpils, LV-5401

The company is engaged in engineering-geodetic and engineering-topographic works for design, reconstruction and construction.

Preime, LTD

Andreja Paulāna 3A, Preiļi, Preiļu nov., LV-5301
Description: LTD "Preime" was founded in 2000. Our business is based on the provision of surveying services to both individuals and legal entities. We perform cadastral surveying of land property boundaries, division of property, topographic surveying and topographic plan development at various scales. In addition, we also provide cartographic services, mainly producing cartographic materials for municipal spatial plans. The company currently has 18 employees. The company has at its disposal six sets of electronic tachymeter SOKKIA, which are equipped with all the necessary additional equipment for successful performance of the given tasks. The office is equipped with the necessary computer equipment, which is provided with licensed software. For the needs of cartography and topographic plans, the company's specialists have a large-format plotter at their disposal.

Alūksnes projekti, LTD, branch

Tautas 1, Balvi, Balvu nov., LV-4501

LTD "Alūksnes projekti" carries out designing in Awards. Surveying works, boundary plans, making plans, land development projects, topographical surveying. We are engaged in carrying out executive measurements, making schemes, as well as marking building axes. We make measurements accurately and correctly.

Geolite, LTD, geological research

Jāņa Čakstes gatve 33, Rīga, LV-1076
Services: ✓ Geotechnical research ✓ Mineral exploration ✓ Geological exploration of mineral deposits ✓ Geological research of peat deposits ✓ Career project and documents ✓ Calculation of remaining stock Geological research:

Professional and high-quality geological research services throughout Latvia. Geotechnical investigation, ground investigation before building a house, mineral deposit investigation, prospecting, remaining stock calculation, inventory, 3D modeling, mineral mining project. We are one of the leading geological exploration companies in Latvia. We perform the work with high quality and high responsibility. We have the appropriate certificates and licenses to perform work.

Lauku mērnieks, LTD

Meža 7 -, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
LTD "Rural surveyor" services:: ✓ Land boundary surveying ✓ Topographical survey ✓ Land survey works ✓ Engineering geodesy ✓ Executive measurements ✓ Local plans / Detailed plans Description:

LTD "Lauku mērnieks" provides various types of surveying services for individuals and legal entities. Services are performed by certified specialists with several years of experience in the industry, using the latest and most modern surveying tools. We operate within the territory of Vidzeme.

Baltex Group, LTD

Leņķa 9, Rīga, LV-1006
Description: LTD "Baltex Group" was founded in 2010. that deals with design and provides the development of complete construction projects - architectural solutions, engineering network design, topographical surveying, technical survey of buildings and construction project management. Cultural centers, schools, kindergartens, municipal administrative buildings, warehouses, stadiums and other buildings have been built during the company's operation, as well as improvement works have been carried out.

Intergeo Baltic, LTD

Braslas 19, Rīga, LV-1084

Geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations. Environmental research and consulting - soil, groundwater pollution research. Topography and geodesy. Drilling works, Static and Dynamic sounding, CPT, DPSH, pore pressure measurement, Soil laboratory studies, Conducting sightings, Static slab testing. Preparation of career research and documentation. Decontamination ( restoration) and reclamation. Hydrotechnical and reclamation construction.

Ķibilda zemes ierīcības birojs, LTD

Zaļā 2, Baloži, Ķekavas nov., LV-2128
Topographical survey . Surveying geodesy cartography topography. Certified surveyors., Topographical plans. Surveyors. Border plans. Surveying works. Land survey plans. Border surveying.

Geometra, LTD

"Guņas", Klapkalnciems, Engures pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3113
, geodetic monitoring, geodetic control, communications survey ., Topographical survey , execution measurements, measurements. Forest transformable areas.

Topoprojekts, LTD

Zirņu 7, Liepāja, LV-3401
Surveyor, Surveyors, surveying, surveying services, Land cadastral surveying, Topographical survey ,, project development, Geodesic works, geodesy, surveying works, plan making, geodesy services, cadastral survey

MZ skats, LTD

Raiņa 56, Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV-5701
Topography, topographical plans, topographical works, land surveying, topographical survey , engineering, Communications survey . Measurements of engineering communications.